Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Babe! :)

Well, today (August 12th) is Tommy's 40th birthday. Our family is so grateful to have him. I asked the kids if they could tell me one favorite thing about their daddy and here is what they had to say:

Tyler's favorite thing is that his dad is his football coach.

Joshua's favorite thing is that his dad is funny.

Ashley's favorite thing is her dad's sense of humor.

Kayla's favorite thing is her dad's dorkiness.

My favorite thing about Tommy is that he loves me - even with all my faults.

As you can see, Tommy makes life fun! (I always said I didn't want to marry someone boring.) He does so much for our family. He works hard at his job to support us. (He's the Senior Vice President of Pinnacle Bank in Gallup, NM.) He loves the Lord and serves Him in whatever ways he can. (He's the 2nd counselor in the Gallup, NM Stake Presidency.) He likes to tease and be silly. Life with him is great!

We love you!!!


Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Tommy! We love you to! I am so grateful for you, your wife and kids. You have been a WONDERFUL example in my husbands life growing up and now in our life as we are married. have a great birthday! We love you!

Amanda Woodson said...

Happy Birthday Tommy! Thanks for all you do/have done for me. I am grateful for your testimony and and for letting me come spend many summers with you guys! I love you all!!!

The Johnson's said...

Happy Birthday Tommy! Wow 40! (just kidding, I'm right behind you!). It was fun to spend a little time with your family last summer--if you ever get up this way, let me know--your family is welcome here. I hope you had a great birthday!

rockkinrobbins said...

We also thought of you Tommy! We love you and hope you had a great day!