I had the chance to meet him once when I was a teacher at the MTC. He was training mission presidents along with many of the other Brethren. Since they used the classrooms that I taught in, my job duties during mission president week consituted running errands for the General Authorities and getting to learn what they were teaching the mission presidents. (Always one of my favorite weeks for obvious reasons). I was going to a small copy room to pick up some supplies and was surprised to see Elder Wirthlin with some of his assistants in the room for the same reason. I must have looked like I did not know what to say with an Apostle in the room or maybe he just is the type that likes to put people at ease- but he just stuck out his hand and said with a big smile "I am Elder Wirthlin- what is your name?". I introduced myself and we chatted for a couple of minutes. I know he was very busy- but for a few minutes his black eyes just focused on me and what I had to say, what I was studying in school, what I did at the MTC, etc. It was like he had all the time in the world- and I am sure he made everyone else feel the same way.
I hated to have to fulfil my assignment to get the supplies and leave because it was so great to have someone that I look up to and sustain as a Prophet, Seer and Revelator take the time to put me at ease. He lived what he taught- Concern for the One.
I hate to see any of the Brethren pass away because I learn to love them all so much. However, he is with his beloved wife again and has earned through his acceptance of the Savior of whom he was a Special Witness right to be welcomed home to His presence.